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Hospitality TV’s Positive Impact on Senior Living and More

Improve Senior Living Residents’ Quality of Life with Improved TV Programming Choices – Here’s How
Hospitality TV Positive Impact on Senior Living and More

Hospitality TV offers numerous outstanding benefits to seniors. For example, it can help them to overcome the feelings of loneliness, while staying mentally engaged. On top of that, it can help them with achieving their fitness goals as well. Services that let customers connect to video chat and healthcare providers are included in hospitality TV packages.

Senior living facilities and healthcare facilities can increase their revenue by offering high-quality television to its patrons. You can contact Sun Comm Technologies for advice on how to use hospitality TV to modernize your healthcare facility, regardless of the state in which it is located.

What Are the Advantages of Hospitality TV for Healthcare facilities?

Healthcare establishments can get several advantages from high-quality hospitality television. It has been shown that giving patients or residents access to television increases their satisfaction levels. The effective operation of your IT personnel is another benefit of using current technology.

Hospitality TV offers Higher Patient Satisfaction

It turns out that the way a healthcare patient or resident feels about your institution overall is statistically influenced by the quality of TV that is offered. The following surveys and patient perception studies quantify the importance of hospitality TV:

  • Ninety percent of senior citizens watch TV on a daily basis.
  • On average, retirees watch TV for three hours and forty-nine minutes per day.
  • According to a poll conducted across 3,000 institutions, people can be more attuned to the “room and board” components of healthcare than they are to the quality of medical care.

Although prioritizing in-room TV above the quality of medical treatment doesn’t seem realistic, there are ways that smart TV technology is advancing healthcare.

Providing intelligent patient care services can also significantly enhance the public’s opinion of your medical institution. The ability to get medical services with ease and safety at the push of a button is appreciated by patients. According to a recent poll, 75% of patients are happy with telehealth services, which can be accessed over a dependable TV network.

Why Should You Care About Patient Satisfaction Scores

Yes, those patient satisfaction ratings seem to have a big influence on how many reimbursements your medical facility or assisted living facility could get. If you have ever given a hospital a poor rating in any category on a scores survey, you can have seen this. When this occurs, customer support agents can have to work quickly to determine why the score was so low.

The hospital reimbursement process is accelerated by high patient satisfaction levels, but poor scores represent a barrier.

  • The HCAHPS survey is one of the most often used hospital questionnaires.
  • The majority of healthcare facilities are a part of a bigger brand.
  • Medicare payments are at least partly connected to the patient satisfaction section of the survey.
  • The HCAHPS survey evaluates data relating to the patient’s opinion on their treatment. Poor ratings at any one location can affect how clients see the other locations a business owns and runs.

The value-based incentive payments offered to the hospital sector in the United States range from around $1.5-2 billion annually. It is reasonable to argue that the quality of the TV offered has a quantifiable influence on the reimbursements that a healthcare institution gets, given that patients place such a high value on the TV in their rooms.

Hospitality TV Makes IT Easier for Healthcare facilities

Since every installed television will be essentially the same, a high-quality hotel TV service will also make things easier for your IT staff. Compared to the other option, when your patients bring their own iPads or televisions, this is much easier.

Here are just a few of the several ways that hotel TV makes IT easier in the healthcare sector:

  • As long as the institution makes regular modifications, there is less chance that the devices will become antiquated.
  • Modern televisions are much simpler to install than older models since they come with a built-in computer and network connection.
  • Pillow speakers can be used with smart TVs, which is advantageous for residents or patients who have hearing loss.

If all of the technology in the room is modern, replacing any damaged or missing components should be simple. Teaching people how to use their TVs to connect to services like videoconferencing has less of a learning curve.

Impacts on Hospital Security

There could be worries that the facility will obstruct patients’ ability to communicate with on-site nurses and doctors. The good news is that hospital TVs are made with extra safety precautions in mind.

Among the features are:

  • Pillow-side Speaker Controls: When patients attempt to speak with nurses, the TV audio is interrupted.
  • Grounded plugs: The facility is equipped with life-sustaining gear, so having grounded plugs with a lower chance of breaking is a major plus.
  • Electronic isolation: The TV won’t interfere with oxygen tanks and other vital medical equipment.

What Are the Advantages of Hospitality TV for Senior Living Residents and Medical Patients?

Some healthcare facilities have even invested in equipment often seen in 4-star hotels, such as flat-screen TVs, in an attempt to increase their ratings. In recent years, the business has seen the rise of “patient hotels,” which are more upmarket alternatives to conventional hospitals or healthcare facilities.

Thankfully, healthcare institutions and assisted living homes can now use many of the smart TV features seen in these high-end patient hotels thanks to hospitality TV packages. Because smart TVs have been available for a while, earlier iterations of some models have been able to provide interactive features (including streaming, video chat, and internet surfing) at a reasonable price. It should be easy to locate reasonably priced equipment that satisfies the aforementioned requirements.

Keeping the Mind Sharp at Any Age: More Seniors than Any Other Demographic Watch Game Shows

Studies reveal that seniors watch more TV game programs than any other group. For instance, the average age of Jeopardy watchers is 64.2 years old. Family Feud and Wheel of Fortune are two more popular shows. These programs assist older citizens in maintaining mental stimulation.

Keeping the mind active is essential to preserving health as one ages. Strong memory, increased attention, better mental health, and less stress are some of the advantages.

When the audience actively participates in the game show they are watching, these advantages are most likely to be realized. There are methods to use a television to keep residents or patients actively involved.

Having a TV makes residents in nursing homes feel more at home

According to recent research, providing a TV to nursing home residents increases their likelihood of feeling comfortable at your senior care facility. The TV was the item people valued most among all of their personal items (including furniture), according to the research. They see it as a tool that keeps them connected to the outside world and helps them avoid boredom.

If the TV is located in one of your healthcare facility’s common areas, it also provides a social opportunity. Even if it’s just a routine movie night, you can host movie viewing activities to offer senior living residents something to look forward to.

Seniors View Sports as Culturally Significant

The notion that sports are an essential part of human civilization would be an understatement. Greetings For many seniors, watching TV is their sole opportunity to actively follow their teams and sportsmen. There are other advantages to passively watching sports as well. For example, it’s often recognized that watching golf can aid in slumber.

Studies have shown the profound effects that sports can have on individuals of all ages, even the elderly, meeting their demands for emotional and psychological support. They probably went to games in person when they were younger, but their mobility isn’t good enough for them to regularly go to these events now.

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