How Does Hospitality TV Help Hospital Patients?
- On Jan, 08, 2025
- Jackie Nunez
- How Does Hospitality TV Help Hospital Patients?

The majority of hotels will offer hospitality TV to simplify what a guest watches when in a hotel room. But this is more than just something hotels do.
A hospital facility and senior living facilities could also consider utilizing the full benefits that come with hospitality TV technology
There is nothing challenging in enabling hospital TV technology at your healthcare or senior living facility.
Smart-TV technology helps you with it, too. And then the patients and residents can have access to streaming, video chat, internet browsing and so much other stuff. This technology doesn’t have to break the bank either.
This tech has sparked quite a bit of discussion about enabling such tech in a senior care setting. It provides valuable help for the seniors to stay mentally active. And that’s because with content and interaction with them, seniors can keep their mind active on a continual basis. It will assist them to bolster their memory, lower stress and enhance emotional health in addition to improving focus.
Let’s learn more about it and determine if you must be investing big time in this technology.
Video Games Can Help Seniors Keep Their Minds Sharp
The stereotype that seniors are not serious gamers is not true, as seniors who play video games regularly have many benefits. Research has found that video games can combat and even reverse the effects of age-related damage to the brain. The seniors in the study had improved memory and focus.
You Can Help the Residents Feel At Home
Nursing Home Receiver: A more personal touch can be as simple as giving your nursing home residents access to a TV, according to a recent survey. (Among personal effects – including furniture – residents valued their televisions most.) For them, it is a way to both entertain and connect their children to the outside world.
If the TV is in a common living space at your healthcare facility, it is also a social opportunity. Even if the event is just for a simple movie night, movie viewing activities help senior home residents have more to look forward to.
Sports Are a Favorite Viewing and Enjoying Activity for Seniors
The majority of seniors are fond of viewing sports content on TV. They choose to watch their favorite teams playing matches on the television.
Seniors also watch sports on TV, and here are some interesting facts about them. So, for some people, they turn to golf just to fall asleep. There are also benefits to simply watching sports passively.
Of course sports is really favorable for everyone, particularly elders. It can also assist the old as it fulfills their needs for emotional and mental support. They likely used to attend games in person when they were younger, but they cannot engage regularly in these kinds of activities in person anymore due to mobility limitations.
The high-definition TV coverage available today gives viewers a front-row, close-up view of the excitement taking place on the field. This would have been unthinkable in earlier TVs. The TV, of course, has taken the couch’s place as the best seat in the house. Thus, it becomes essential to get your senior care home a TV.
TV Better Keeps Residents Up To Date with Life Events
Seniors can keep up with many important activities when a smart television is in place. These include community events, medication regimens and medical appointments. This is much more reliable choice than retaining a printed out calendar. They can do this easily as an alert on the TV screen is guaranteed to attract your attention. And while they’re great for those things, the small size of phones sadly makes them all too easy to misplace or forget to charge.
If the TV is on, the alarm will be visible, too, making it the all-time backup reminder. A TV is also very hard to lose and seniors can comparatively better comprehend what is being said on a large TV screen rather than a small screen on a mobile device.
It Can Save the Seniors A Lot Of Bucks
A full cable package will cost you from $200 or more a month, and each of the solo streaming services will run you an extra $10–15 a month.
This means that with bill payments, a lot of households actually spend more on TV than they do on basic services such as power and water.
Considering the fact that the older generations spend even more time watching TV than previous generations, it is likely to believe that cable is an unnecessary investment category for most people that can afford to pay for this type of service. When senior living communities and healthcare institutions adopt hospitality TV, they enable their members to save hundreds of dollars a month.
The hospitality TV deals that cable and satellite firms strike with these facilities should make it easier for residents when the time comes to pay the bills.
If hospitality TV is not offered, it stands to reason that many elders would enroll for TV services independently. As a result, these organizations can ensure that their residents are living well as they usually include cable, satellite, or streaming service in their length of stay package.
TVs Can Help the Seniors to Stick to Their Fitness Goals
A TV is what provides entertainment and knowledge to people in isolation, particularly the elderly and the people who are sick in a health care institution.
Wellness-associated clips and shows are becoming more ubiquitous on the web and in streaming services. That way, this is a fresh and enjoyable way of helping each individual accomplish their fitness goals through systems designed for each person’s current situation.
While most seniors don’t do enough exercise, studies show that they are far more likely to complete age-specific exercise programs than traditional fitness classes. This is why TV can be such an effective contributor to fitness programs in senior living or health care facilities. Amazon Prime has more than 300 fitness-related movies and videos. The advantage of video fitness programs is that users can perform exercises at their desired rate while maintaining good form during each activity.
The viewer can pause, rewind or fast-forward as required. Also, the appeal of a nonjudgmental environment makes it easy for many to pick virtual exercise programs.
For isolated patients, a television can be a wonderful companion.
Some may be in a room, even, because their mobility contributes to their not being able to take part in the activities. TV makes them capable enough to join in with other activities. Television is what helps them push back against the loneliness that comes with social seclusion.
One way to achieve this is by using TV-based communication applications. Your senior care facility may decide to host a Christmas gathering in the community room, for example. They can even participate online if a patient is in room confinement.
Building Quarantine-Proofing Rooms with Televisions
The events of 2020 revealed just how important hospitality TV can be to elderly living and healthcare facilities. “Almost all of them were isolated to their rooms, so a lot of the patients would have been by themselves and had really not much to do.” Hospitality TV is important in this respect and these situations illustrate it well.
A television can offer so much more than just entertainment. They allow videoconferencing applications for hospital residents to stay in touch with loved ones. Senior living facilities need to ensure residents will have access to these services, even when they are confined to their rooms. This is exactly the same thing that senior care facilities are using in the post-pandemic era.
Patients in Hospitals Often Watch About 11 Hours A Day of Television.
People who get suddenly sick and are hospitalized have plenty of time every day that they aren’t able to spend for much of anything. The TV may be the thing in the room, making guests feel most nostalgic about other places they have lived.
Besides, patients with a TV in the room can distract themselves from symptoms. It also relieves the anxiety caused by waiting for an upcoming operation. Hospital patients watch approximately 11.5 hours of TV every day, in contrast to the general population who views between 3 and 4 hours of television daily.
YOU ARE: Rattled by how important it is to hospital patients to have access to decent television. In the modern day, it serves as one of the most important indicators of how hospitals treat patients.
The Future of Healthcare and Hospitality TV
Only recently has the health-care industry learned how TVs influence a facility’s ability to deliver high-quality care. That is one example where this is apparent, and it is the enormous widespread growth of telehealth services that allow applications users to connect to caregivers with the simple push of a button.
TVs can help the seniors to stick to their fitness goals
Cloud-based patient care applications allow caregivers and patients to interact when they are far from each other. There are many applications that allow you to do this in a Smart TV.
Now the same TV remote that a resident uses to change channels can be used to request contact with carers. It replaces a number of remotes and other devices. This will help you prevent seniors from confusion.
Providing Access To Tele-Health
The telehealth industry was already growing at a rapid pace even before the pandemic, when usage increased by approximately 60 percent from 2016 to 2017. TeleHealth and telemedicine applications are regular check-ups and help with mental health issues or long-term diseases such as diabetes.
All these are to be considered, and it is the right time to get smart televisions and respective services for your elderly care institute. The fact is that with the right services provider, you can have all the benefits coming you way.
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