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Multiple Reasons Hospitality TV Benefits Patients

Most hotels out there provide hospitality TV to streamline what a guest sees when enjoying a hotel room. However, this is not just a technology limited to hotels. Hospital facilities and senior living facilities can also think about harnessing maximum benefits that come with this technology

Enabling hospitality TV technology at your healthcare or senior living facility is not something challenging. You can get much-needed assistance for it through Smart-TV technology. Then you can enable the patients and residents experience streaming, video chat, internet browsing, and many other related services. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get this technology as well.

Enabling this technology within senior care facilities is a popular topic in discuss as of now. It offers much-needed assistance for the seniors to keep their mind sharp. That’s because seniors who watch content and interact with them can continuously keep their minds engaged. It will help them to ensure strong memory, reduce stress, promote better emotional health, and improve focus. Let’s learn more about it and see whether you should be really investing on this technology.

Seniors can keep their minds sharp by playing video games

Seniors who regularly play video games get various advantages, despite the stereotype that they are not serious gamers. Video games have been shown in studies to counteract and maybe even reverse the damaging effects of aging on the brain. The study’s senior participants had better memory and focus.

You can make the residents feel like they are at home

According to a recent study, providing access to a TV can help nursing home residents feel more at home at your senior living community. The survey found that among all personal items, including furniture, residents put the most value on their televisions. It serves as a means of both keeping children entertained and connected to the outside world for them.

If the TV is located in one of the common living areas at your healthcare facility, it also presents a social opportunity. Even if the event is only a basic movie night, organizing movie viewing activities provides senior home residents something to look forward to.

Seniors love to watch and enjoy sporting events

Most seniors are in love with watching sporting content on television. They prefer to actively watch their favorite teams playing on the television. There are some interesting facts about seniors watching sports on TV as well. Some people watch golf just to get to sleep. There are several advantages to passively watching sports as well.

Sports can significantly benefit everyone, especially elders. It can help the elders by meeting their demands for mental and emotional support. They probably went to games in person when they were younger, but due to mobility limitations, they can no longer regularly attend these activities in person.

Today’s high-definition TV coverage gives viewers a close-up, front-row view of the action on the field. It would have been impossible with earlier models of TVs. Fortunately, the TV has replaced the couch as the finest seat in the house. Hence, getting a TV to your senior care home is a must.

TV Helps Residents Stay More Up-To-Date with Life Events

When there is a smart television present, seniors can stay updated about a variety of important activities. They include community events, medication regimens, and medical appointments.  This is a lot more reliable choice than keeping a printed calendar. They can easily do so since an alert on the TV screen is certain to get your attention. While smartphones are also useful for these things, the small size of phones are sadly all too simple to lose or neglect to charge.

The alarm will definitely be seen if the TV is on, making it the ultimate backup reminder. A TV is also extremely difficult to lose, and seniors can more easily understand what is being said on a large screen as opposed to a tiny screen from a mobile device.

It can help the seniors to save money

You will have to pay up to $200 per month for a complete cable bundle in addition to an extra $10–15 per month for each solo streaming service. This indicates that many homes spend more on TV than they do on essential services like power and water.

Given that seniors now watch more TV than seniors in prior generations, it is plausible to assume that cable represents a significant unneeded expense for a group of people who can stomach to pay for this service. By providing hospitality TV, senior living communities and healthcare institutions can help their members save hundreds of dollars each month.

The particular hospitality TV packages that cable and satellite companies provide to these institutions should ease the burden on the residents when it comes time to pay the bills. If hospitality TV is not provided, it would be reasonable to anticipate that many elders would sign up for TV services on their own. Therefore, these facilities can guarantee that their inhabitants are living pleasantly by incorporating cable, satellite, or streaming service in the residency package.

TVs can help the seniors to stick to their fitness goals

For elderly people and others suffering from illnesses within a healthcare institution, having a television can be a great source to speed up recovery. Fitness-related videos are becoming more and more prevalent online and on streaming services. Through programs that are specially created for each person’s situation, this is a novel and engaging approach for everyone to achieve their fitness objectives.

In spite of the fact that most seniors don’t exercise enough, research indicates that they are significantly more likely to stick with age-specific exercise programs than conventional fitness courses. This is why TV can play such a significant part in senior living or healthcare facilities fitness programs. More than 300 fitness-related movies and videos are available on Amazon Prime. The benefit of video fitness programs is that users can do the exercises at their own speed while still maintaining good form throughout each activity.

The viewer has the option to stop, rewind, or fast-forward as needed. Additionally, many choose virtual exercise programs because of the appeal of being in a judgment-free environment.

A television can be a great companion for isolated patients

Some people could be confined to their rooms due to mobility problems that restrict them from participating in activities. They can take part in group activities thanks to smart TV. The television helps them combat the loneliness that comes from social isolation.

Using TV-based communication applications is one way to do this. For instance, your senior care facility could choose to have a Christmas celebration in the community room. Even if a patient is confined to their room, they can still take part online.

Using televisions to create quarantine-proofing rooms

Events in 2020 demonstrated why hospitality TV is crucial in elder living and healthcare facilities. Many of the patients would have found themselves alone and without much to do since they were isolated to their rooms. Such occurrences demonstrate the value of hospitality TV in this context.

A television can provide much more than simply entertainment. They enable videoconferencing applications for hospital residents to connect with loved ones. Senior living facilities must make sure that residents will have access to these services even if they are restricted to their rooms. This is something that senior care facilities use during the post-pandemic era as well.

Hospital patients tend to watch around 11 hours of Television per day

Patients who are hospitalized suddenly have a lot of spare time each day that they are unable to use for much of anything. The TV can be the item in the space that makes visitors most nostalgic for their own homes. Moreover, patients can divert their attention from their symptoms when there is a TV in the room. Additionally, it reduces tension brought on by impending operation.  Compared to the general population, who watches 3–4 hours of TV per day, hospital patients watch roughly 11 hours of TV each day.

You can be shocked by how much value hospital patients place on having access to high-quality television. It is one of the most important indicators of the perceived quality of hospital treatment in the modern world.

The Future of Healthcare and Hospitality Television

The healthcare industry has just come to understand how TVs affect a facility’s capacity to provide high-quality treatment. The huge growth of telehealth services, which let users connect to caregivers with the easy push of a button, is one instance where this is obvious.

Cloud-based patient care can enable remote caregiving

Applications for cloud-based patient care enable caregivers and patients to interact from a distance. There are numerous applications available to facilitate this in a smart television.  A resident can initiate requests for contact with carers using the same TV remote that they use to switch channels. This eliminates the need for several remotes and other devices. You can use this to keep seniors away from confusion.

Offering access to tele-health

The telehealth sector expanded quickly even before the epidemic, with use rising by roughly 60% between 2016 and 2017. Applications for telehealth and telemedicine include regular check-ups, assistance with mental health issues, and assistance with long-term diseases like diabetes.

While keeping all these in mind, it is the high time to get smart televisions and appropriate services for your senior care facility. Make sure to work with the best services provider, and you can experience all benefits coming on your way.

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